My 10 year old daughter isn't the biggest reader, and refuses to read Harry Potter 😐 if she only knee! But, she is into other great hobbies so it's not pushed.

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Oh my gosh, I think if she reads Harry Potter, she will unlock the magic! That is the ONLY series my oldest son will read. When he's in the mood to read. Which isn't often, haha. But I hear ya, I'm glad our kiddos have other hobbies and interests.

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My 14-year-old has only read the first Harry Potter, and he doesnt seem interested in the others, even though I've provided them to him. I don't understand it!

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My daughter is learning to read and hates it. She doesn't mind if I read books to her but the whole thing feels like a chore. I'm trying to find ways where it doesn't feel like a punishment. It breaks my heart because I love to read and read every day!

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I totally get it, it breaks my heart, too. I keep trying to explain to my movie-loving boys that books are like movies for your mind. I won't give up trying, haha.

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I was like you and wanted/tried to raise book lovers. My daughter still loves reading but my son stopped reading books quite a few years ago (beyond anything required of him). They’re both young adults now and I am happy to say that I have noticed that my son actually does still do a lot of reading…just not in books. He often shares about what he learns too. I’ll take it!

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Absolutely, it's a win!

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My 10 year old as well goes back and forth. Sometimes she gets on a kick and will read. Other times it’s weeks and weeks. I’m hoping something clicks with her and she realizes the amazing power books have!

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Yesss, the amazing power of books, that's exactly it. Here's hoping she feels that click.

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Aug 20Liked by Mia Sutton

My kids went back and forth. As children, we read all the time. We get stacks from the library a couple times a week. They both loved Goosebumps and Sideways Stories. Then it was mostly Sarah reading. Sweet Valley High. Baby Sitters Club. The only thing I could get RJ to read was anything by Gary Paulsen. Then I think for Sarah it was mostly magazines but for RJ it was a big no thank you. Now as adults, we know how Sarah reads of course but RJ is finally a reader again and their love of books makes me happy. Funny thing is, I’m the one who rarely reads now. I find my happy place in a skein of yarn (or 50).

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Aww, I guess that gives me hope that my boys might enjoy reading again in the future. :) Will you teach me to knit/crochet? I have to work on my zombie apocalypse skills hehe.

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Haha! I’d love to teach you. One good thing about knitting, you could always stab the zombies with the needles!

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I read every night to my son from the day he came home from the hospital until he was a proficient reader, but he doesn't live reading as much as I do. That said, this summer, he's come around a little bit and he's read more than ever before--I don't know what got him to change, though. He won't admit to liking to read, but, then again, he is a teenager. Lol.

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