I enjoy rereading, but typically try for 2-3, this year I'm hoping to reread City of Girls by Elizabeth Gilbert, Long Bright River by Liz Moore, and James by Percival Everett (for bookclub) but this time do the audio!

My main goal is to try to be a mood reader :) I plan my reading pretty intensely and very rarely DNF! I'm going to try out the recommendation feature on The Storygraph which let's you select your mood, genre preference, page length, etc and then will recommend books that you might like. I think it even uses AI to base the recommendations off of what you've previously read and rated highly, sounds too good to be true!

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Oh I haven't tried their recommendation feature before but maybe I will! I'm definitely a mood reader so it's sometimes hard for me to find the right book a the right time.

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I love that you're rereading books. I've been working on a similar project. I still have 3 left from what I picked last year. The Midnight Library will be such a great book to reread.

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Ooh what do you have left?

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The Perks of Being a Wallflower, The Catcher in the Rye and One Hundred Years of Solitude!

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I'm trying to read a better balance of physical vs ebooks - I know I won't stop buying pretty books for my shelves, I just want to actually read them.

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Yes, same! I am trying to just read them on my Kindle from the library and the ones I really love, I'll buy a copy for my keeper shelves. But they're so pretty!

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Okay, I have never heard of Shark Heart, but it sounds odd and great.

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It is VERY odd, and VERY great.

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Love hearing about your goals. I would love to read more from my shelves and to be honest I have way too many. I cull them often but I still manage to have plenty. I did read one off my shelves last week for book club and LOVED it so that's a big win.

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I always love those ones that you pick off your shelves, that have been there awhile, and then are a big win. It’s like oh yeah, I’m good at picking books!

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My main reading goals for this year are to read 3 random books from my Goodreads TBR each month, and 2 books that I own but haven't read yet (I have... too many unread books in my own library.) My overall goal for the year is 100 books.

Sarah - not sure if you've read All the Colors of the Dark yet, but it was definitely a 5 star read for me. My husband has been home with a broken foot (lol great start to the year) so I made him read it as well, and he deemed it the best book he's ever read.

Also! You may already know this, but if not - as a PA resident you can get a library card for The Free Library of Philadelphia. They only allow 6 holds through Libby, but I've gotten a LOT of audiobooks through there that weren't available or had an extremely long wait through Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh.

Hope you both are having a good year so far!

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I've been so curious about Chris Whitaker but wasn't sure if it he was more of a mystery type writer so I've shied away. I love your goals though! Hopefully you'll be able to make a good dent in your home library.

And thanks for the tip about the Philadelphia library! I didn't know that! I typically use my mom's library card in Toledo because they're a much bigger branch than my local one. Definitely going to sign up!

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